
Stuff Today - Issue 8514

Saturday 18 November 2023

Today's Saturnian Moon: Titan

The Deeper Meaning Of Liff


That area of a discotheque where single men lounge about trying to look groovy about not having the courage to ask a girl to dance.

The Devil's Dictionary


Reparation without satisfaction.

Among the Anglo-Saxon a subject conceiving himself wronged by the king was permitted, on proving his injury, to beat a brazen image of the royal offender with a switch that was afterward applied to his own naked back. The latter rite was performed by the public hangman, and it assured moderation in the plaintiff's choice of a switch.

Roger's Profanisaurus


A long-lasting and elaborate cat stabbing session involving assorted stimuli, speeds and positions.

Astonishingly Uninteresting Fact

The shark cornea has been used in eye surgery, since its cornea is similar to a human cornea

Poem Of The Day

Fat #2

I sat upon my big fat arse,
It wobbled like a jelly,
My chubby knees were hid beneath,
My big fat sagging belly,
My double chin hung round my neck,
My thighs spread on my seat,
And my heaving bosoms, once so firm,
Sat sadly on my feet.

My heart beat fast, I tried to breathe,
But gave a rattling rasp,
The telephone, a foot away,
Was quite beyond my grasp,
A sudden pain shot through my chest,
I crashed down to my knees,
As blackness enveloped my soul,
I shouted "Help me please!"

I woke up in a small white room,
With wiring all around,
A strange machine right by my side,
Made a funny beeping sound,
A nurse was standing by my bed,
She gave a little sigh,
And told me I must lose some weight,
Or I would surely die.

They'd put a staple in my gut,
And filled my jaw with wire,
I wasn't feeling very well,
The hunger was quite dire,
I asked for chicken, chips and beans,
I begged for buns and cake,
Or chocolate biscuits, creme broulais,
Or cream cake, pie or steak.

The nurses shook their heads and said -
"You HAVE to get much thinner,
So no more nasty fatty foods,
Will you have for your dinner."
They brought me lettuce, cabbage soup,
Tomatoes, nuts and bran,
A little tear formed in my eye,
And down my cheek it ran.

They pumped and pounded, bled and poked,
And starved me night and day,
And pound by pound the killer fat,
Began to fall away,
I lost a stone, and then three more,
And then before I knew it,
I was normal weight, the doctors smiled,
"We knew that you could do it!"

For several months they kept me in,
And made me thin and fit,
But deep inside the sadness grew,
I really felt quite shit,
I missed my lard, my chocolate sauce,
My pie and chips and gin,
I didn't care about being fit,
Or healthy, lean or thin.

And with every ounce my body shed,
My heart grew sadder still,
To munch on lettuce night and day,
Was not a massive thrill,
I gained no joy from looking nice,
Fulfillment I did lack,
All I wanted was to eat,
To grow my fatness back.

Until of course the day arrived,
When I was to be discharged,
They warned me of the perils,
Of becoming re-enlarged,
But the staples in my belly and,
The wire upon my jaw,
Would keep me from my food, they said,
Now and forever more.

I sadly left the hospital,
And jogged along the street,
My healthy lungs inhaled the air,
My heart made tuneful beat,
The men walked by and turned to stare,
My body looked so great,
But I just cried and looked away,
Remembering things I ate.

I walked across a busy road,
My thoughts on scones and cake,
When round the corner came a car,
It had no time to break,
It hit me, threw me through the air,
I landed on my head,
And before the doctors could arrive,
I was completely dead.

I wish I'd spent my final days,
Just eating lots of dinner,
But the bastard doctors saved my life,
By making me loads thinner,
And now I'm fucking dead, the cunts,
Knocked over in my prime,
There wasn't any fucking point,
Oh shit...
If I'm dead I can't finish this rhyme.


- Kate Rancid (b. 1973)

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